Clean Electricity Costs
Clean Electricity Costs
Digital Art on Metal 30" W X 24" H
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Wholesale Electricity Costs with (left) and without (right) Environmental Costs, for the 90% Clean and No New Policy cases.
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What’s inspiring:
Wholesale Electricity Costs with (left) and without (right) Environmental Costs, for the 90% Clean and No New Policy Cases.
“If environmental costs* are included, wholesale electricity costs are about 33% lower in 2035 under the 90% Clean case than they are in 2020.
They are 25% lower in 2035 under the 90% Clean case than they are in 2035 under the No New Policy case.
Without considering environmental costs, wholesale electricity costs are 10% lower in 2035 under the 90% Clean case than they are in 2020, but they are 12% higher in 2035 under the 90% Clean case than they are in 2035 under the No New Policy case. 2035 The Report, page 22.
* The 90% Clean Case avoids over $1.3 trillion (2018 dollars) in environmental and health costs through 2050, including avoiding around 85,000 premature deaths (approximately 3,500 avoided deaths per year) from 2020-2050. The environmental cost adder reduces to $2/MWh by 2035 and beyond. 2035 The Report, Appendix 4*
2035 The Report: June 2020, Goldman School of Public Policy, University of California Berkeley, Gridlab, Energy Innovation, Paulos Analysis.
Authors: Amol Phadke, Umed Paliwal, Nikit Abhyankar, Taylor McNair, Ben Paulos, David Wooley, Ric O’Connell.
View the report: (Art is based on figure to the left.)
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