Art inspired by the science of climate change.
What is Environmental Graphiti®?
It is a collection of 100+ digital paintings. Each piece is derived from a chart graph, map, word or number relating to key facts or data about climate change, or otherwise inspired by environmental themes.
The art is organized into five galleries
Why is our climate changing?
The art in this series is based on the compelling data that describes the various factors that have contributed to climate change over the last two hundred years.
How is climate change affecting our world?
The art in this series is based on data that demonstrates some of the dramatic impacts of climate change across the globe.
Who is at risk from climate change?
This series focuses on the risk to life on Earth for humans and other species.
What can we do to address climate change?
This series focuses on data and facts about promising ideas and strategies to respond to the many challenges of climate change.
Words, numbers and other approaches to the art of climate change.
The art in this gallery offers various artistic interpretations to environmental themes. Unlike the other four galleries, these pieces are not based directly on graphic data. Some are derived from words or numbers relating to key climate science facts, while others reflect different styles of art inspired by issues relating to climate change.