North America - Risk Assessment

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“Key Risks of Climate Change for North America

In North America, divergent perceptions regarding the attribution and implications of climate change pose a key risk to adaptation mainstreaming …. This lack of adequate adaptation in turn amplifies threats to human life and safety from intensifying extreme events, fires and storms …. Climate change hazards pose risks to economic and social well-being …, marine social–ecological systems …, unique terrestrial ecosystems and their services …, freshwater services …, physical and mental health … food and nutritional security …, and commerce and trade …. Cumulatively, these risks interact to imperil the quality of life for North American communities, cities and towns…. “

Source: Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Working Group II Contribution to the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report, Chapter 14 pp 1982-83 1216 (Citations omitted) Figure 14.11.


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